Tuesday, September 6, 2016


What problems did you overcome during this project and how?

The main problems I had while making this project was making the legs and dog's body blend together smoothly. First of all, the dog's body was much wider than the centipede's , so I had to cut the legs out and separate them to give me more space. Once they were lined up, I had to figure out a way to blend them. I originally tried to merge the layers and begin blending, but by doing that, any mistakes I had made earlier on would be kept permanently, so I gave up on that and tried to find a different way. I ended up using the clone tool to copy parts of the dog onto the leg layer, and blend them together there. This ended up working pretty well because I could use the layer mask we used in the clone project to fade the background and the overlaid layer gradually.

If you could change anything about the piece what would you do?

If I could change one thing, I would have probably started with a thinner source animal. I didn't pay too much attention to what animal I chose, I just wanted to put centipede legs onto something large. Choosing a dog has forced me to push the legs farther apart, making the animal appear way to heavy for its legs. I think that is making the image look less real because its proportions mean it couldn't actually exist.

Explain your animal?  What is their name/species? How did you come up with this idea?

This animal, called House Dog, is a mix between a House Centipede's legs and a dog's body. I came up with this idea from watching the example video of a frog's body and an alligator's head. It gave me the idea to mix a very large and very small creature. I wanted to use a house centipede as the base because I knew it had many long legs that I could attach to the body of something else. The dog was just used because its body was a good shape to add legs to, and I thought it would look ridiculous and funny.

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