Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Illustrator Tutorial

What did you think of the project?

This project was very difficult at first, because I had never used Illustrator before and had to learn all of the tools and figure out the way the program "thought". I was familiar with photoshop so previous projects were much easier for me. I did both tutorials because I had some extra time, and it was really helpful. Creating Mario was much more difficult than the origami logo, but turned out to be much more helpful. At the start, I didn't know how to even make a line, but by the end of the Mario project I could use different tools to create an image out of basic shapes, and edit the paths if I made any mistakes.

How is your piece successful and what might you change in the future?

This answer is mainly about the Mario project because that took the most time and was the most helpful. I feel like this piece is successful because it taught me about the program, and it taught me how to correct the mistakes that I make. If I could change anything about this piece I would shrink the cheeks a little bit, because they are slightly too large. I would like to find a way to keep the ellipses used to make them as separate objects but still make them look connected, or find a way to edit them once they are merged, because once you merge all of the parts into a single piece you can't edit them again very easily.

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