Monday, September 12, 2016

Edible Architecture

Who lives in the house you created?  Is there a particular reason you picked the parts you did?

    This house is home to a small family. The main living space is in the bottom burrito and the bedrooms are in the top. The kids also have a swing set to play with in the back yard. I chose to use burritos in this project because their open sides left a perfect space for a front door. I also liked the idea of having multiple levels to the house because it makes the space more interesting.

    What alterations did you have to make to make it look realistic?

    The main problem I was running into was that the door photo I was using was a picture of the door from straight on and to make it look right I needed to warp it. The bottom door was fairly easy because it's close to straight on, but the door on top was very difficult to skew properly. To make the door look like it fit the burrito, I had to first use the clone tool to fill out the image a little and make it completely fill the area, and then I used the burn tool to add some shadow. I used a similar process on the second floor door, but it still looks a little bit off. I don't think the angle of any of my additions look quite perfect, but I don't think that's too bad because it gives the image a very cartoonish look, which I kind of like.

    If you could change anything about the piece, what would you do?

    The one thing that I would change about this piece is the second floor window. The original image I used was of an interior window, so the lighting inside was very dark, and the lighting outside was very bright. It was difficult to cut out all of the bright outside of the window, and you can still see some white around the inside of the window. I also couldn't get the angle of the skew just right so it doesn't quite line up to the side of the burrito. The next problem I had was that there was nothing inside the window. I didn't really know what to put in the window, and I thought trying to add an interior to the house would be too difficult, so I just used the burn tool on the side of the burrito. I think this looks okay, but it could definitely look better.

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